Diets vs Facts Part Two
So I spent a bunch of time typing up 2 pages of notes that I took at Adulting 101: Fad Diets vs Facts then posted it for everyone! Then forgot about the other page of notes I took that was behind the hand out sheets I put in my notebook! Oops! So here is Part Deux!
How can you tell if there is added sugar to a product?
The ingredients list is listed by weight – the more there is of it, the higher up on the list it is. Sometimes companies will break down the kinds of sugars and so it looks like less, because they are further down the list!
Anything ending in OSE is a sugar!
Just Googled this -- http://sugarscience.ucsf.edu/hidden-in-plain-sight/#.WeQk-mhSyUk --- There are at least 61 different names for sugar listed on food labels. These include common names, such as sucrose and high-fructose corn syrup, as well as barley malt, dextrose, maltose and rice syrup, among others. The full list of 61 names is found on the right side of the webpage. SIXTYONE names!! That’s just crazy!
Sugar is sugar (salt is salt).
Wanna lose weight? Record everything you are eating. It will make you think twice about whether or not you want to it! This makes you mindful of what you are eating. How often have you sat there mindlessly eating a bag of chips (insert go to snack here) without thinking of just how much you’ve been eating?
Do not drink your calories! If you drink a 500 calorie drink before dinner, it will not make you eat 500 calories less. Liquid calories just do not make you feel full the way actual food does.
Starbucks Calories - https://www.starbucks.com/menu/catalog/nutrition?drink=espresso#view_control=nutrition
Grande (16oz) Chai Latte (what would be my go to drink) -- https://www.starbucks.com/menu/drinks/tea/chai-latte?foodZone=9999 – 42 grams of sugar!!! :O :O :O (39g with coconut milk, which takes the saturated fat from 10% to 22%!)
Grande Pumpkin Spice Latte with 2% milk and whip cream – 50g sugar!! https://www.starbucks.com/menu/drinks/espresso/pumpkin-spice-latte
Ok, I will stop ruining all your favorite drinks! And this is not to throw Starbucks under the bus, I just know they are popular.
Tim Hortons - https://www.fatsecret.ca/calories-nutrition/tim-hortons
My fall favorite from Tims – Pumpkin Spice Muffin --- https://www.fatsecret.ca/calories-nutrition/tim-hortons/pumpkin-spice-muffin/1-muffin -- ouch! Think I am going to be doing a lot more baking at home! Yikes!!!
Eat a bigger breakfast and do not skip breakfast! When you skip breakfast, your body will store fat later, to keep you from starving! Eating a bigger breakfast will help keep you fuller throughout the day and you will eat less calories (don’t skip meals!).
3 meals and 1-2 snacks is what is reccommended but find what works for you! If 6 small meals/snacks works better and you are getting the correct calories and eating a balanced diet, then keep it up!
Eat high fiber foods. They make you feel fuller over time. These include fruits and veggies and whole grains. Eat these throughout the day. Best colours are dark green and orange!
To help you stay on track with diet and budget, plan meals ahead of time, make a list and stick to the list!
Shop the perimiter of the store, where the fresh, non proccessed foods are. Don’t shop when you are hungry. As one of the other participiants said, be mindful when you go shopping. Do you love chocolate and even the smell of it will make you want to buy it? Keep in mind around Christmas (or Halloween or Easter) when there is even more chocolate in the stores, in your face! Make a list, stick to it, ignore the chocolate!
Calcium is important. If you cannot have dairy products, make sure you are getting enough! You want 1000mg a day, taken as 500mg twice daily.
There is an Overeaters Annoymonus in town Monday
So I spent a bunch of time typing up 2 pages of notes that I took at Adulting 101: Fad Diets vs Facts then posted it for everyone! Then forgot about the other page of notes I took that was behind the hand out sheets I put in my notebook! Oops! So here is Part Deux!
How can you tell if there is added sugar to a product?
The ingredients list is listed by weight – the more there is of it, the higher up on the list it is. Sometimes companies will break down the kinds of sugars and so it looks like less, because they are further down the list!
Anything ending in OSE is a sugar!
Just Googled this -- http://sugarscience.ucsf.edu/hidden-in-plain-sight/#.WeQk-mhSyUk --- There are at least 61 different names for sugar listed on food labels. These include common names, such as sucrose and high-fructose corn syrup, as well as barley malt, dextrose, maltose and rice syrup, among others. The full list of 61 names is found on the right side of the webpage. SIXTYONE names!! That’s just crazy!
Sugar is sugar (salt is salt).
Wanna lose weight? Record everything you are eating. It will make you think twice about whether or not you want to it! This makes you mindful of what you are eating. How often have you sat there mindlessly eating a bag of chips (insert go to snack here) without thinking of just how much you’ve been eating?
Do not drink your calories! If you drink a 500 calorie drink before dinner, it will not make you eat 500 calories less. Liquid calories just do not make you feel full the way actual food does.
Starbucks Calories - https://www.starbucks.com/menu/catalog/nutrition?drink=espresso#view_control=nutrition
Grande (16oz) Chai Latte (what would be my go to drink) -- https://www.starbucks.com/menu/drinks/tea/chai-latte?foodZone=9999 – 42 grams of sugar!!! :O :O :O (39g with coconut milk, which takes the saturated fat from 10% to 22%!)
Grande Pumpkin Spice Latte with 2% milk and whip cream – 50g sugar!! https://www.starbucks.com/menu/drinks/espresso/pumpkin-spice-latte
Ok, I will stop ruining all your favorite drinks! And this is not to throw Starbucks under the bus, I just know they are popular.
Tim Hortons - https://www.fatsecret.ca/calories-nutrition/tim-hortons
My fall favorite from Tims – Pumpkin Spice Muffin --- https://www.fatsecret.ca/calories-nutrition/tim-hortons/pumpkin-spice-muffin/1-muffin -- ouch! Think I am going to be doing a lot more baking at home! Yikes!!!
Eat a bigger breakfast and do not skip breakfast! When you skip breakfast, your body will store fat later, to keep you from starving! Eating a bigger breakfast will help keep you fuller throughout the day and you will eat less calories (don’t skip meals!).
3 meals and 1-2 snacks is what is reccommended but find what works for you! If 6 small meals/snacks works better and you are getting the correct calories and eating a balanced diet, then keep it up!
Eat high fiber foods. They make you feel fuller over time. These include fruits and veggies and whole grains. Eat these throughout the day. Best colours are dark green and orange!
To help you stay on track with diet and budget, plan meals ahead of time, make a list and stick to the list!
Shop the perimiter of the store, where the fresh, non proccessed foods are. Don’t shop when you are hungry. As one of the other participiants said, be mindful when you go shopping. Do you love chocolate and even the smell of it will make you want to buy it? Keep in mind around Christmas (or Halloween or Easter) when there is even more chocolate in the stores, in your face! Make a list, stick to it, ignore the chocolate!
Calcium is important. If you cannot have dairy products, make sure you are getting enough! You want 1000mg a day, taken as 500mg twice daily.
There is an Overeaters Annoymonus in town Monday
8:00 PM
Evergreen CCR Church
101 Tundra Dr
Fort McMurray, AB T9J 1G4
Fort McMurray, AB T9J 1G4
Contact: Linda
Phone: 587-644-0657
(no child care provided).
Also suggested to watch Embrace on Netflix – about loving your body!
More support in Fort McMurray - The Primary Care Network -- http://wbpcn.ca/About/Pages/PrimaryCareinFortMcMurray.aspx
Also suggested to watch Embrace on Netflix – about loving your body!
More support in Fort McMurray - The Primary Care Network -- http://wbpcn.ca/About/Pages/PrimaryCareinFortMcMurray.aspx